Archiwum miesiąca

October 2022

  • Other

    Yin and yang

    by Sylwia
    2 minutes read

    The autumn time is reminiscent of passing. It is during autumn that we remember our deceased relatives, but also say goodbye to summer with its rich crops. After the summer outdoor activities, the first chills and rains of autumn encourage us to stay inside, at home, under a warm blanket, with hot tea in hand. Also at this time of the year, we can...

  • EnergyNutrition

    Eat together

    by Sylwia
    2 minutes read

    Inspired by a short story by Dr. Zach Bush on Instagram, I would like to bring you the topic of what really matters the most when it comes to food. Those of us who are interested in health and its natural restoration have heads full of various tips that come to us from different sources about what and how to eat. A simple...