
  • EnergyQuantaNutrition

    Body or mind – chicken or egg?

    by Sylwia
    4 minutes read

    So why do I think that the priority in restoring health should always be our mind and emotions? I will start with the words of Edward Bach, who in my opinion preached something so often and eagerly overlooked, perhaps for many a missing piece of the health puzzle – probably because it is quite inconvenient. Disease will never be cured or eradicated by present materialistic...

  • EnergyQuanta

    New Flower Therapies - user manual

    by Sylwia
    5 minutes read

    W tym wpisie wyjaśnię kilka kluczowych kwestii odnośnie mojej instagramowej serii na temat Nowych Terapii Kwiatowych Bacha (New Bach Flower Therapies – w skrócie NBFT). Jeśli nie wiesz czym jest Terapia Kwiatowa Edwarda Bacha, zapraszam tutaj. 🌼 Dla kogo jest terapia ścieżek? Czym różni się od standardowej Terapii Kwiatowej dr. Bacha? Terapia ścieżek ułatwia proces …

  • EnergyQuanta

    Bach Flower Therapy – 12 tracks

    by Sylwia
    4 minutes read

    As some of you know, my great passion is the psychological causes of diseases, especially chronic ones, such as my Atopic Dermatitis. The long road of medication withdrawal led me to Bach Flower Therapy, which I have already written about here and here. My personal success with this therapy has been quite measurable, but I have experienced a few relapses, which led me to...

  • EnergyQuanta

    Bach Flower Therapy – my experience

    by Sylwia
    4 minutes read

    It's time for the first conclusions from my adventure with Bach Remedies, which I previously wrote about right here. From the first mixture I composed for myself, I feel a definite difference. However, I do not believe that all problems just simply resolved themselves - that is not the power of this therapy. However, combined with the willingness to notice certain patterns in our lives and take a closer look at...

  • Gene KeysQuantaSelf-care

    The art of conscious pause

    by Sylwia
    2 minutes read

    The simplest things are often the most powerful. Evidence of this can be a simple, conscious break. Observe nature, and you'll see that every bird, butterfly, and cat seems to be doing nothing at all from time to time. He just stands still or sits down, maybe looks around. For a human too, this kind of pause can become...