
  • Yoga

    Yin yoga

    by Sylwia
    2 minutes read

    Yin yoga, also known as restorative yoga, is one of the calmest and less dynamic styles of yoga. For me, it is its definite advantage, because it can be performed by anyone, regardless of age, body shape or amount of energy. It is especially suitable as an evening session before bedtime (it makes you sleep like a baby!), but

  • EnergyYoga

    Tension and Trauma Release Exercises

    by Sylwia
    5 minutes read

    Today I will write about a method that a friend of mine recommended to me regarding the treatment of persistent atopic dermatitis (thanks Rachel‏‏‎ ‎💜). It is used, e.g. in PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - under the supervision of a therapist, as such sessions can become a bit intense. However, it applies to practically everyone's life, because each of us regularly experiences stress, which very often creates tension in our muscles. This can be the cause of all kinds of illnesses as well as chronic pain.

  • 101EnergyYogaVocabulary

    What are those chakras

    by Sylwia
    3 minutes read

    Chakra translated literally from Sanskrit means "a wheel". Talking about the chakras, we mean the spinning wheels of light-energy that represent the different aspects of our physical, emotional and mental experience here on Earth. Each chakra has a different vibration, frequency and therefore colour. There are hundreds of them in our body and beyond, but those most commonly referred to...

  • 101Yoga

    Introduction to yoga

    by Sylwia
    4 minutes read

    Yoga is a discipline originated in India, which literally translates to "union". Traditionally, it consists of 8 limbs, which are: physical practice (asana), breath (pranayama), meditation, code of social conduct, self-observation, sense withdrawal, concentration and bliss. The growing popularity of yoga in the West does not surprise me at all - because even taking into account the above-mentioned, it differs significantly...