Yoga is a discipline originated in India, which literally translates to "union". Traditionally, it consists of 8 limbs, which are: physical practice (asana), breath (pranayama), meditation, code of social conduct, self-observation, sense withdrawal, concentration and bliss. The growing popularity of yoga in the West does not surprise me at all - because even taking into account the above-mentioned, it differs significantly from standard exercises in the gym - and offers much more than they do.
I suspect that each of you has some idea of yoga. Perhaps you have attended yoga classes in the gym, perhaps you associate them too much with pregnant women, elderly women or slim girls who stand on their hands or head without any difficulty. Maybe you do not think that yoga is something for you - I hope to change this view a bit! And if you already know or, like me, you love yoga, why not tell us about your experience in the comments?
My adventure with yoga began with the Youtube channel Yoga with Adriene. The founder charmed me with her sense of humor, openness and authenticity - and of course, I am a dog lover, so her companion Benji stole my heart and gave me another reason to come back! However, what struck me the most was how changed I felt after that first 20-minute “beginner” session. I had many more experiences like this over the years, sometimes something let go of me so intensely that I would burst into tears during a more difficult asana (or pose) or a simple massage of my own feet! Most importantly, I didn't have to force myself to come back – and I have never been crazy about sports and exercise. (Those with whom I regularly gossiped on PE during fake sick leave know! 😁)
Some people say, perhaps aptly, that yoga is less a sport than more stretching. In my opinion, this stretching affects people who practice it not only on a physical, but also mental and spiritual level - multidimensionally! By creating space in our bodies, we also create space in our minds - and it is necessary to reach the heights of creativity and use all the best opportunities for us. Space is a wide view, not a tunnel one, it is openness, it is the lack of patterns that become a prison. It is a connection with the Source, or the Quantum Field, if you prefer - and more on that in future entries!
I am a definite supporter of yoga in the comfort of my own home. You don't have to have anything to start practicing - although a yoga mat is a handy thing once you get hooked. 😉 You do not have to look in any particular way (just dress comfortably!), compete with anyone, no matter how old you are, unnecessary kilograms, whether you slouch or are you skinny, many exercises are really simple and friendly for completely unfit! It's not even about feeling tired or sweating (although there are types of yoga that emphasize this), it's just about stopping for a moment and looking into yourself through thoughtful movements and conscious breathing. It doesn't matter if it will be 5 minutes spent sitting cross-legged or 40 minutes of a complicated sequence, you did it for yourself, and therefore for everyone around!
There are a huge amount of classes available on the internet and many people offer sequences on Youtube. It's best to find a teacher who is on similar wavelengths and will guide you in a way that's perfect for you. At the beginning, someone who will tell you in detail what to look for and remind you to breathe! If you know the basics of English (I assume you do since you're reading the translated post!) you might like Adriene's numerous free sessions. I also plan to post sample sequences on the blog, maybe I will even start filming when I have the conditions for it? 🤔
Most asanas will be different for everyone. So don't get discouraged if yours doesn't look the same as the model in the picture or the instructor in the video, but focus on the intention to create this shape, balance throughout your body, strength in the center of the abdomen and a straight spine (depending on the pose) to improve energy flow in all parts of the body. If you are in pain or your body is not flexible or strong enough, adapt the pose to your abilities, using a chair, folded towel or book as a support. With each approach to yoga, your body will allow for more and more.
And if you want to, but don't think you can meditate, try yoga too! Focusing on your own body and breathing helps to calm persistent thinking and bring you into a natural state of meditation.
In the next posts in this category, you will learn about chakras, types of yoga, and basic postures and breathing exercises that are worth trying.
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