It seems quite fitting to write about what actually started my journey with spiritual development. I was brought up in the Christian faith, but around high school, following in the footsteps of e.g. older brothers and friends, I decided that atheism was more sensible and cool. I even half-seriously accepted Christian confirmation just to take the name of Amonaria, in honour of my favourite electronic music artist at the time, Amon Tobin... Anyway, I stopped praying, believing in hell and heaven, in the creation of the world and anything else described in the Bible that I called just a book. However, I admit that thanks to the books of Terry Pratchett, the idea of reincarnation stuck in my head, as well as the notion that after death everyone experiences what they expected (Valhalla for Vikings, Saint Peter for a Christian). But I guess it was a bit of a "nice to have", maybe I instinctively wanted to believe it in spite of my general aversion to religion.
Today I can safely say that I believe in exactly that. I will write more about it soon!
And it all started like this: I experienced a difficult time in my life and found the book "The Power of Now". The idea of focusing on the present to make my life easier was already familiar to me (from the days of dealing with procrastination at uni), but not to the extent that I took Jesus' words personally... Yet this book hit the nail on the head. Actually speaking of one simple thing, it managed to get me out of feeling really down by explaining to me that this experience was an illusion that my mind had created. Brilliant in its simplicity, I read it maybe 8 times in a row. It served as a meditation and to this day, although I have not read it for a long time, it serves as a foundation.
The main assumption of "The Power of Now" is that all we have and will always have is Here and Now. The memory of the past and the image of the future, and thus all evil and suffering, are always an illusion, a product of our thoughts. The human mind, on the other hand, is of course a great tool, but unfortunately for most of us it becomes the master of life instead of a help. By identifying with the mind and its creations, we limit our experience of life and become victims of our ego. Meanwhile, there is something much bigger and more powerful in us. Tolle calls it Being, some will call it God. The easiest way to notice this Being is by returning to the present and becoming the observer of your thoughts. It is the essence of us that is always and invariably remains somewhere in the background, in fact, it is the source of every experience... But I don't want to go too far beyond the book. I recommend that you just read it and come to your own conclusions (and then we will develop the topic!).
This one book inspired me to stop avoiding the topic of God/Source, something that connects everything that exists in our world. Spirituality is not reserved only for religion and in my opinion is an inherent part of the experience of life on Earth. I know it's hard to digest sometimes, but all you have to do is start with the bit that works for you. 😉 For me, it was necessary to lose the meaning of the physical and mental plan to find the third one, and today all of it also forms one coherent whole with quantum mechanics e.g. the concept of a quantum field, which, in many ways, is exactly what Being is! 🤯
My assumption is that these are not things that we will ever "understand" = logically explain at the level of the mind. We do not have to, and it seems that this is actually the whole point! Not everything can be examined, described, categorized, the whole fun may be just knowing that creative inspiration, brilliant ideas or inner peace are available to us always and everywhere, at our every request. Precisely because they are not governed by the rules of our very limited human minds. No offence, homo sapiens! Because we really do have power, but contrary to what they hammer into our heads in schools and on television, it is certainly not only in our brain...
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