
  • Energy

    How to control emotions

    by Sylwia
    4 minutes read

    Today I'm writing about something I didn't understand at all for a considerable part of my life. Should emotions be controlled? Emotions are "energy in motion". So should we stop this motion? I am living proof that such approach is very harmful. For many years I thought that I was great at dealing with emotions. I never exploded in anger, shouted, or...

  • EnergyOther

    Philosophy of Edward Bach

    by Sylwia
    5 minutes read

    Doctor Edward Bach, the founder of Flower Therapy, was a man well ahead of his time. Even though his life took place about 100 years ago, his philosophy is my greatest inspiration when it comes to health and I don't think I have found anything that would be closer to my worldview on this topic. First of all, according to Bach, modern medicine is not...

  • EnergyOther

    Shadow work

    by Sylwia
    5 minutes read

    "The Universe conspires in your favour." Imagine that every problem, every difficulty is but a gift from It. It's not to beat you or bring you down. It's for you to develop. If everything was simple, we wouldn't be here. However, we chose the Earth experiment. A planet of duality, a planet of possibilities! Just like in games, there are many...

  • Gene KeysQuantaSelf-care

    The art of conscious pause

    by Sylwia
    2 minutes read

    The simplest things are often the most powerful. Evidence of this can be a simple, conscious break. Observe nature, and you'll see that every bird, butterfly, and cat seems to be doing nothing at all from time to time. He just stands still or sits down, maybe looks around. For a human too, this kind of pause can become...

  • EnergySelf-care

    About gratitude

    by Sylwia
    2 minutes read

    We live in such strange times that we are surrounded by negativity everywhere. I mean human tragedies, accidents, diseases, pandemics, broken relationships, animal suffering, and so on. Television and other media play a large role here, but even if we stop using them completely, we will likely receive a decent dose of...