Poniżej kilka moich osobistych spostrzeżeń i innych wskazówek, których nauczyłam się podczas kilku kursów pracy z kryształami. Oczywiście, zabierzcie tylko to, co rezonuje! 😊 💍 Kryształy uwielbiają metale. Miedź, jak również żelazo działają jako niesamowite wzmacniacze kryształowej energii, stąd warto jest włączyć je do naszej praktyki pracy z kryształami. Możemy użyć do tego celu np. …
"In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being." Nikola Tesla Yes, this is another metaphysical "woo-woo" entry. 😉 Believe it or not, crystals and gemstones can convey knowledge to us. It is possible that this information is already deep inside...
One of the likely reasons why many people struggle with meditation is a lack of sense of being grounded. Grounding in this sense is a feeling of stability, presence in the body and conscious connection with the Earth. It improves our concentration, the ability to cope with stress, clears the mind, has many health-promoting properties by providing the body with negative ions from the Earth. I think...
Water, just like the Sun, is the basis of our life on Earth. Some time ago I wrote about drinking it with caution, considering how toxic drinking water in its "standard" version can be. Today I will develop this topic and suggest what could be done so that water serves us as a healing substance, instead of creating more problems. If you choose...
Crystals became close to my heart quite unexpectedly. Just before my 30th birthday, a course on this topic with the wonderful Katie-Jane Wright appeared on the horizon - my heart sang as I read about it and I knew I had to make it a birthday present for myself. Since the course completed in June, crystals and stones have become an integral part of...