Jestem bardzo podekscytowana tą wiadomością – wypuszczam swój pierwszy (być może jedyny) kurs! Niezmiernie cieszy mnie możliwość podzielenia się ogromnym potencjałem Terapii Bacha w sposób, mam nadzieję, przystępny dla wszystkich zainteresowanych tym tematem i dość mocno odróżniający się od standardowej edukacji w tym obszarze. Premiera planowana jest na grudzień tego roku. Cena kursu to 555 …
That is - why I stopped listening to metal... and then came back to it. 🙃 Sometimes it's difficult for us to see certain patterns that we live from the inside. I'm a perfect example of this - although I usually pride myself on being quite open-minded, I have fallen victim to the unconscious belief that at the current stage of my "spiritual development" (I don't like this phrase, for me it is more about...
As some of you know, my great passion is the psychological causes of diseases, especially chronic ones, such as my Atopic Dermatitis. The long road of medication withdrawal led me to Bach Flower Therapy, which I have already written about here and here. My personal success with this therapy has been quite measurable, but I have experienced a few relapses, which led me to...
After about a year of living in the countryside, I notice very clearly how staying in a big city, without time to "do nothing", is quite a challenge for my body, mainly due to the large number of stimuli. Perhaps you feel similarly, or you have become accustomed to the non-stop TV noise, ubiquitous advertisements, the rainbow of colours blinding you from every side after...
Do you like exercises that leave you tired? Unfortunately, for as long as I can remember, I have been one of those people who can't stand them. 😕 (In high school, I learned to forge my mother's signature just to write exemption notes for PE - a true story!) That's why I have an interesting offer for you in form of a 4-minute workout sequence created by Zach Bush, who I...
So why do I think that the priority in restoring health should always be our mind and emotions? I will start with the words of Edward Bach, who in my opinion preached something so often and eagerly overlooked, perhaps for many a missing piece of the health puzzle – probably because it is quite inconvenient. Disease will never be cured or eradicated by present materialistic...
Poniżej kilka moich osobistych spostrzeżeń i innych wskazówek, których nauczyłam się podczas kilku kursów pracy z kryształami. Oczywiście, zabierzcie tylko to, co rezonuje! 😊 💍 Kryształy uwielbiają metale. Miedź, jak również żelazo działają jako niesamowite wzmacniacze kryształowej energii, stąd warto jest włączyć je do naszej praktyki pracy z kryształami. Możemy użyć do tego celu np. …
Dziś rozpoczynamy nową serię przybliżającą praktyczne zastosowania esencji kwiatowych dr. Bacha! 🎉 Poniżej kilka sytuacji związanych z produktywnością, w których mogą okazać się bardzo pomocne. Hornbeam – Gdy czujesz zmęczenie przed wykonaniem pracy, prokrastynujesz. Częsty efekt po tym, gdy oglądamy duże ilości filmów czy seriali, telewizję, słuchamy ogromu podcastów, czytamy zbyt dużo książek czy wiadomości. …
My opinion may not be very popular, but I feel a huge need to finally write about this topic – especially after the recent hen weekend I had the opportunity to be invited to (and it was amazing! 🤍). We, women, fight very fiercely for our rights. We take to the streets to mitigate the abortion law, we want equal rights in every area of life...
Today I'm writing about something I didn't understand at all for a considerable part of my life. Should emotions be controlled? Emotions are "energy in motion". So should we stop this motion? I am living proof that such approach is very harmful. For many years I thought that I was great at dealing with emotions. I never exploded in anger, shouted, or...