
  • Energy

    How to control emotions

    by Sylwia
    4 minutes read

    Today I'm writing about something I didn't understand at all for a considerable part of my life. Should emotions be controlled? Emotions are "energy in motion". So should we stop this motion? I am living proof that such approach is very harmful. For many years I thought that I was great at dealing with emotions. I never exploded in anger, shouted, or...

  • EnergyNutritionVocabulary

    Bioinformation - what's that about?

    by Sylwia
    4 minutes read

    My attitude towards herbal remedies and supplements is rather cautious. Of course, there are mixtures and herbs that I use regularly (e.g. Ayurvedic Triphala ), but in general I have always been terrified by the multitude of different plants available on the market, their dosages and complications resulting from inappropriate combinations or allergies. Maybe some of you have a similar experience? 😉 It probably wouldn't hurt...

  • EnergyQuanta

    New Flower Therapies - user manual

    by Sylwia
    5 minutes read

    W tym wpisie wyjaśnię kilka kluczowych kwestii odnośnie mojej instagramowej serii na temat Nowych Terapii Kwiatowych Bacha (New Bach Flower Therapies – w skrócie NBFT). Jeśli nie wiesz czym jest Terapia Kwiatowa Edwarda Bacha, zapraszam tutaj. 🌼 Dla kogo jest terapia ścieżek? Czym różni się od standardowej Terapii Kwiatowej dr. Bacha? Terapia ścieżek ułatwia proces …

  • EnergyOther

    Metalhead's black heart

    by Sylwia
    3 minutes read

    That is - why I stopped listening to metal... and then came back to it.‏‏‎ ‎‎🙃‏‏‎ ‎Sometimes it's difficult for us to see certain patterns that we live from the inside. I'm a perfect example of this - although I usually pride myself on being quite open-minded, I have fallen victim to the unconscious belief that at the current stage of my "spiritual development" (I don't like this phrase, for me it is more about...

  • EnergyQuanta

    Bach Flower Therapy – 12 tracks

    by Sylwia
    3 minutes read

    As some of you know, my great passion is the psychological causes of diseases, especially chronic ones, such as my Atopic Dermatitis. The long road of medication withdrawal led me to Bach Flower Therapy, which I have already written about here and here. My personal success with this therapy has been quite measurable, but I have experienced a few relapses, which led me to...