Or actually, "self-care is the basis"... 🤔 Self-care, meaning simply taking care of yourself, is in my opinion a fundamental, if not the most fundamental pillar of good health.
It can take many forms, but today I will focus on the absolute basics and suggest some practices that I believe are worth testing in your life. Why? Feeling well has a direct impact on how effectively we can take care of others - our family, friends or our Planet. When we really take care of ourselves, we have more energy to be creative, whether it's solving emergencies, being effective at work, or creating anything - artistic endeavours, building relationships, or even cooking - the list goes on! Essentially, everything depends on our ability to take care of ourselves. And quite surprisingly it can be much more difficult for us than taking care of others.
For some reason, it is more natural for us to rely solely on the care from others, who will not always know what we need or be able to provide it, or vice versa - we believe that our priority should always be our loved ones and we give them all our spare time. Unfortunately, in today's health crisis, if we don't take care of ourselves, it will be difficult for us to effectively and joyfully take care of others. There is a wise saying in English:
"You can't pour from an empty cup"
A list of some simple and pleasant ways of caring for ourselves below.
⌛ Regular pause + self check-in. Several times a day (set a reminder on your phone!) sit comfortably alone, close your eyes, maybe put your hand on your heart or belly and ask yourself, quite honestly, “my dear body, how are you feeling? what do you need?". And trust that the answer will come promptly. If not, perhaps your relationship with yourself has broken down a bit and needs some work. Don't worry about it and treat yourself like a small distrustful child - with patience and unconditional love. Maybe you need a glass of water? Maybe just a rest or a breath of fresh air? Fill this need as soon as possible. Ask often, until you will be delighted to notice how intelligent and talkative your body is! 😉 Perhaps, until now, you have been ignoring many of its signals?
📅 Schedule time for pleasure, entertainment and/or fun. Specific day, specific time, preferably every day! We plan and write down so many things in our lives, often forgetting about the most important one. It can be time with your favourite book, music or movie, a walk in the woods, or a long bath surrounded by your favourite scents and candle flame (entry about baths here!). Maybe a yin yoga session or lying on the grass looking at the clouds or stars. It's important never to ignore this event, even if it's only supposed to last half an hour. I recommend, if possible, spending this time alone - it'll increase the effect of taking care of yourself over taking care of others.
🖋 Keep a journal. As a journal writer since the dawn of time (over half of my life 🤯), I believe that this is the absolute best way (along with making lists of "to-do's") to clear the mind of things that are often completely unnecessary. If you want to maintain privacy, you can, for example, create a blog with a password that only you know. It doesn't matter if what you write makes sense - you write only for yourself. On paper you can transfer all sorrows, joys, or create intentions and plans for the future. You can write a letter you'll never send. To yourself, to an enemy, to an old love - the possibilities are truly endless and you don't need to be able to write neatly or beautifully in any way.
🌞 Take care of your inner child. Find a picture of yourself from your childhood and save it to your phone or put it in a place you see often. Forge a habit to look at that child-yourself in the picture and beam at her/him the boundless love you have for other little children in your life.
5 komentarzy
[…] conajmniej tyle samo tych, które unoszą nas do góry. Częścią tego mogą być różne praktyki dbania o siebie, ale także regularne spędzanie czasu na rozmyślaniu i pisaniu o tym, co uważamy za dar w naszym […]
[…] prysznicową? Brak czasu? Dlaczego nie dajemy sobie prezentów w postaci wieczoru w wannie? 🤔 Samodbanie (tak zwane przeze mnie dbanie o siebie) to kolejny temat, który jest mi niezmiernie bliski. Ulgę […]
Dziekuje Sylwiu, pieknie napisalas.
Ja duzo praktykuje juz i stwarzam troche czasu i przestrzeni dla siebie.
Zapomnialam o wewnetrznym dziecmi,musze zrobic fotke, dziekuje !
Lada moment ma sie urodzic moja wnuczka, tak ze zyje nadzieja i oczekiwaniem🙏
Pozdrawiam Cie serdecznie ❣
Ewa Eerikäinen
Dziękuję Ewo za komentarz!
To wspaniale, że dbasz o czas i przestrzeń dla samej siebie, właśnie dzięki temu będziesz mogła zaoferować najwięcej miłości i uwagi swojej wnuczce! Gratulacje 😊
Pozdrawiam serdecznie 💕
[…] Bardzo mnie ucieszyło, kiedy właśnie o tym przeczytałam w książce doktora Edwarda Bacha, twórcy Terapii Kwiatowej, której niedawno zaczęłam się uczyć. Czuję, jakbym znalazła odpowiedź na nurtujące mnie pytanie jak zwykły człowiek ma odzyskać ten kontakt, połączenie z samym Sobą, bez konieczności wpadania w ogromny kryzys zdrowia. Wiele z tego o czym piszę na blogu w tym pomoże, ale myślę, że ważne jest aby zrozumieć, co tutaj robimy. Wracamy do duchowości – przez ciało, przez doświadczanie. Prawdziwej, która nie wyklucza nauki, ale która harmonizuje ją doświadczeniem (tak jak to robią naukowcy noetyczni!) Wracamy do rytmu Natury, rytuału, do zwykłej miłości i dbania o samego siebie. […]