My newest passion, as well as the subject of one of the very few books I've been reaching for of late, are the Gene Keys by Richard Rudd. They are the 64 sets of human consciousness traits associated with the ancient Chinese I Ching system. Each set, known as the Key, has three levels - Shadow, Gift, and the Highest Spiritual...
Or actually, "self-care is the basis"... 🤔 Self-care, meaning simply taking care of yourself, is in my opinion one of the fundamental, if not the most fundamental, pillars of good health. It can take many forms, but today I will focus on the absolute basics and suggest some practices that...
One of the goals I wanted to achieve by writing this blog is to disenchant certain words that, through culture, science and religion, have become something very specific for us and not necessarily regarded well. First up, I decided to refer to difficult for many people word God. For a long time, God meant to me this old man who...
The autumn time is reminiscent of passing. It is during autumn that we remember our deceased relatives, but also say goodbye to summer with its rich crops. After the summer outdoor activities, the first chills and rains of autumn encourage us to stay inside, at home, under a warm blanket, with hot tea in hand. Also at this time of the year, we can...
Inspired by a short story by Dr. Zach Bush on Instagram, I would like to bring you the topic of what really matters the most when it comes to food. Those of us who are interested in health and its natural restoration have heads full of various tips that come to us from different sources about what and how to eat. A simple...