• Self-care

    One requirement – a bathtub!

    by Sylwia
    2 minutes read

    I have recently realized that when choosing a place to live, the only convenience I cannot do without is it. I used to be a fan of showers, but it was like that until I learned about the incredible power of bathing with magnesium salts, frankincense/tea tree oil, and recently also baking soda. Where does the trend for replacing the bathtub with a shower cubicle come from? No time? Why do we not give ourselves...

  • EnergySelf-care

    Spring cleaning in 9 days

    by Sylwia
    3 minutes read

    One thing I love to do before or early spring is… getting rid of things.‏‏‎ ‎😉‏‏‎ ‎In my case, these are both physical items, as well as files on my computer or phone. This year, for the second time, I got rid of a lot of unnecessary things using the technique called 27×9 (which I got to know thanks to Marci Shimoff). The task is this -...

  • AyurvedaNutrition

    Kapha, Pitta or Vata?

    by Sylwia
    4 minutes read

    I recommend starting from the beginning of the category. Doshas are three types in Ayurveda, which literally translate from Sanskrit to "something that causes a problem." If you are not yet familiar with the dosha that prevails in your body, here (bear with me until I find a good one in English!) you will find a detailed test that will help you learn about Prakriti - your original biological dosha, as well as Vikriti - which depends on your...

  • AyurvedaNutrition

    To the friendship with bacteria!

    by Sylwia
    4 minutes read

    It's a little scary how successfully we've been programmed to fear all bacteria. Fortunately, there is more and more talk about "friendly" bacteria, because products such as kefir or kombucha are appearing more and more often on store shelves. Unfortunately, products from supermarkets are quite a poor option in comparison to the benefits that fermented products can offer - they are most often made of pasteurized...

  • EnergyYoga

    Tension and Trauma Release Exercises

    by Sylwia
    5 minutes read

    Today I will write about a method that a friend of mine recommended to me regarding the treatment of persistent atopic dermatitis (thanks Rachel‏‏‎ ‎💜). It is used, e.g. in PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - under the supervision of a therapist, as such sessions can become a bit intense. However, it applies to practically everyone's life, because each of us regularly experiences stress, which very often creates tension in our muscles. This can be the cause of all kinds of illnesses as well as chronic pain.

  • 101Quanta

    Introduction to quantum reality

    by Sylwia
    4 minutes read

    Worth reading: Here and now and Introduction to energy work. Quantum physics is causing quite a stir in the world of science. Especially when viewed in terms of human consciousness, many of the things we have taken for granted turn out to be mere illusions. For example, our understanding of time and space. For example, that things happen to us regardless of our will...