Archiwum miesiąca

April 2023

  • EnergyCrystalsNutrition

    Healthy water

    by Sylwia
    3 minutes read

    Woda, podobnie jak Słońce, jest podstawą naszego życia na Ziemi. Jakiś czas temu pisałam o tym, aby pić ją z rozwagą, biorąc pod uwagę całkiem sporą toksyczność wody w „standardowej” odsłonie. Dziś rozwinę ten temat i opiszę co warto zrobić, by woda służyła nam jako uzdrawiająca substancja, zamiast zwyczajnie przelewać przez organizm lub nawet tworzyć…

  • EnergyQuantaVocabulary

    Noetic sciences

    by Sylwia
    3 minutes read

    "The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of existence." Nikola Tesla I will admit without beating that after my unpleasant experiences with mainstream medicine, to a large extent I've been reluctant towards the topic of scientists and research, but recently I got my hands on

  • EnergyQuanta

    Bach Flower Therapy

    by Sylwia
    3 minutes read

    On the blog, I usually focus on simple ways to harmonize health for free, but I will make an exception for the topic of Dr. Edward Bach and his flower essences. Of course, we can make them ourselves provided the plants are available in our country - the original extracts are produced in the UK - and the flowers should...

  • Self-careVocabulary

    What is health?

    by Sylwia
    3 minutes read

    Have you ever wondered what true health means to you? What does it mean to be mentally and physically healthy? I have the impression that most people are not fully aware of their beliefs on this subject, and therefore accept the state of affairs of a much lower standard than would be logical. Unfortunately, in the era of chronic diseases, various anxiety states...

  • EnergyNutrition

    Sun is the foundation!

    by Sylwia
    3 minutes read

    It is reported that most people, even in climates warmer than ours, are deficient in vitamin D. Due to the common way of life, usually in confinement, it's something worth paying special attention to in case of any signs of illness - be it allergies or depression. Personally, not long after I moved to cloudy UK, I was critically deficient in this vitamin...