
  • AyurvedaEnergyVocabulary

    Routine vs. ritual

    by Sylwia
    4 minutes read

    They say routine kills - but it has its uses when we can shape it into something that saves us from thinking and at the same time is nourishing and useful for us. Today we will discuss the topic of creating daily rituals - and I will also describe some healthy Ayurvedic techniques that you can easily invite into your life. Personally, I value change very much...

  • EnergyQuanta

    Bach Flower Therapy – my experience

    by Sylwia
    4 minutes read

    It's time for the first conclusions from my adventure with Bach Remedies, which I previously wrote about right here. From the first mixture I composed for myself, I feel a definite difference. However, I do not believe that all problems just simply resolved themselves - that is not the power of this therapy. However, combined with the willingness to notice certain patterns in our lives and take a closer look at...

  • EnergyOther

    Shadow work

    by Sylwia
    5 minutes read

    "The Universe conspires in your favour." Imagine that every problem, every difficulty is but a gift from It. It's not to beat you or bring you down. It's for you to develop. If everything was simple, we wouldn't be here. However, we chose the Earth experiment. A planet of duality, a planet of possibilities! Just like in games, there are many...

  • EnergyCrystalsSelf-careVocabulary

    Grounding practice

    by Sylwia
    2 minutes read

    One of the likely reasons why many people struggle with meditation is a lack of sense of being grounded. Grounding in this sense is a feeling of stability, presence in the body and conscious connection with the Earth. It improves our concentration, the ability to cope with stress, clears the mind, has many health-promoting properties by providing the body with negative ions from the Earth. I think...

  • EnergyCrystalsNutrition

    Healthy water

    by Sylwia
    4 minutes read

    Water, just like the Sun, is the basis of our life on Earth. Some time ago I wrote about drinking it with caution, considering how toxic drinking water in its "standard" version can be. Today I will develop this topic and suggest what could be done so that water serves us as a healing substance, instead of creating more problems. If you choose...