
  • EnergyQuanta

    Bach Flower Therapy – 12 tracks

    by Sylwia
    3 minutes read

    As some of you know, my great passion is the psychological causes of diseases, especially chronic ones, such as my Atopic Dermatitis. The long road of medication withdrawal led me to Bach Flower Therapy, which I have already written about here and here. My personal success with this therapy has been quite measurable, but I have experienced a few relapses, which led me to...

  • EnergyQuanta

    Bach Flower Therapy – my experience

    by Sylwia
    4 minutes read

    It's time for the first conclusions from my adventure with Bach Remedies, which I previously wrote about right here. From the first mixture I composed for myself, I feel a definite difference. However, I do not believe that all problems just simply resolved themselves - that is not the power of this therapy. However, combined with the willingness to notice certain patterns in our lives and take a closer look at...

  • EnergyQuanta

    Bach Flower Therapy

    by Sylwia
    5 minutes read

    On the blog, I usually focus on simple ways to harmonize health for free, but I will make an exception for the topic of Dr. Edward Bach and his flower essences. Of course, we can make them ourselves provided the plants are available in our country - the original extracts are produced in the UK - and the flowers should...

  • EnergyNutrition

    Eat together

    by Sylwia
    2 minutes read

    Inspired by a short story by Dr. Zach Bush on Instagram, I would like to bring you the topic of what really matters the most when it comes to food. Those of us who are interested in health and its natural restoration have heads full of various tips that come to us from different sources about what and how to eat. A simple...

  • EnergyYoga

    Tension and Trauma Release Exercises

    by Sylwia
    5 minutes read

    Today I will write about a method that a friend of mine recommended to me regarding the treatment of persistent atopic dermatitis (thanks Rachel‏‏‎ ‎💜). It is used, e.g. in PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - under the supervision of a therapist, as such sessions can become a bit intense. However, it applies to practically everyone's life, because each of us regularly experiences stress, which very often creates tension in our muscles. This can be the cause of all kinds of illnesses as well as chronic pain.