One of the goals I wanted to achieve by writing this blog is to disenchant certain words that, through culture, science and religion, have become something very specific for us and not necessarily regarded well. First up, I decided to refer to difficult for many people word God. For a long time, God meant to me this old man who created the world, the father of Jesus who severely punishes those who go against his will. I was brought up in the Catholic faith and when I left the Church around the time of high school, this word took on a dull quality for me, I approached it with reluctance and even contempt or mockery. I guess many of us can admit to something like this?
So maybe it's time to take matters into our own hands. What do you want God to mean to you? It's up to you what you want to understand through this word. No religion or theory should have any control over this. You can replace it with another word if you think you can't get around old habits. However, I accept the challenge and redefine this word in my life (although I admit - there are still moments when I replace it). For me, it means many things that are not so easy to describe - it is the Being or Energy that connects everything and everyone, that exists in everyone, that creates from "nothing". It is also simply Unconditional Love, Quantum Field, or Source. It is not a specific person or being, and at the same time it is in each of us. Whether you believe in God or not, it doesn't change the fact that He (and/or She) creates you… only that God is not at all separate from you. It is your essence. If you believe that you exist, then God also exists. And it's not something you have to understand with your mind. To the "brain" it may not make any sense at all, but that's the point - that's how God is! Indescribable, indefinite, inconcrete, and yet it contains everything and is everywhere.
And what is your definition of God? A big bow to you if you want to share it! 🙏