This year, the arrival of spring in Poland has been slightly delayed, but I will consider it a gift from the Universe, thanks to which I can describe for you in time what this season is characterized by and how thanks to this knowledge you can take care of your health, while the nature around wakes up to life after winter stagnation.
Spring is the season of Kapha dosha (my post about doshas here), which means that the dominating energies are these of heaviness and slowness. With an excess of Kapha in the body, we can sleep more, gain a little weight, have the feeling of sticky or wet hands, or other symptoms of excessive humidity. According to Ayurveda, it is best to harmonize the doshas with the right food. This is the best time of the year for detox, liver cleansing or fasting – although they are generally not recommended in Ayurveda, if used in moderation, they can give the body a bit of relief. Above all, however, the spring diet - we focus on light, warm and rather dry foods. The weak digestive fire of the Kapha dosha cannot cope with cold and heavy foods, and the dryness of foods can help balance excess moisture. An example of dishes suitable for this season are all boiled or grilled vegetables, stir fry dishes, light soups. We rather give up these heavy, cold and fatty foods - e.g. fried meals, ice cream, heavy dairy products, bread or cold raw salads. A good idea for spring may be a diet that limits or eliminates dairy, grains and sugar, as discussed by Dr. John Douillard on LifeSpa.
When it comes to the dominant flavours, it's enough to look around at farmers' markets (or in our own gardens!) - new vegetables are starting to appear in their assortment after winter shortages - especially those that grow quickly: radishes, chives, all kinds of lettuces, spinach or beet greens (chard), as well as rhubarb. It is no coincidence that the flavours that harmonize the Kapha dosha are pungent, astringent and bitter - it is worth basing the diet on them at this time of year, especially if Kapha is already one of the dominant doshas in our body. Another favourite here might be beans of all kinds, which are available in dried form every season. It's also worth limiting the amount of sweet, sour and salty foods, especially a combination of these flavours.
Activities that harmonize spring Kapha include those that help get rid of excess water accumulated in the body (just like in the soil) after winter. It's also useful to take special care of the kidneys, which may need some warmth. Gentle physical exercises such as Qigong, hot oil massage, as well as dry skin brushing will be useful for this.
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[…] ze wzrostem temperatur na zewnątrz, nie służą już nam posiłki ostre, tak jak to było wiosną. Zwracamy na to szczególną uwagę szczególnie wtedy, jeśli Pitta jest doszą przeważającą w […]
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