Chakra translated literally from Sanskrit means "a wheel". Talking about the chakras, we mean the spinning wheels of light-energy that represent the different aspects of our physical, emotional and mental experience here on Earth. Each chakra has a different vibration, frequency and therefore colour. There are hundreds of them in our body and beyond, but those most commonly referred to are the 7 main chakras, slightly less (and increasingly) often we talk about 12 or 13.
Chakras were spoken of in ancient India, and they play a large role in yoga practice - but not only that! From the point of view of energy or quantum medicine, the chakras are actually more real than our human bodies. They dictate how all the energy that we are functions. The seven main chakras are also often assigned to specific glands in the human body - for example, the throat chakra is associated with the thyroid gland.
Experiencing your own chakras is not as difficult as it may seem - I imagine we all have experienced a tightness in the throat or a heavy stomach? This is how the chakras communicate to us what requires our attention in a given situation. For example, a tightness in the throat is related to, contrary to all doubts, the throat chakra and can alert us that we do not express ourselves, our opinion. Symptoms of chakra dysregulation can be felt much more subtly - especially if we are not in the habit of monitoring our body, mind and emotions - and, as a result of a long-term blockage or obstruction of the flow of energy, manifest themselves in diseases and dysfunctions of the physical, mental or emotional body. In the case of the throat chakra, it can be, for example, pain in the neck, inability to show emotions, to express creatively or problems with the thyroid gland. It's worth adding that the chakras residing outside of the physical body are connected to spiritual realms, therefore they don't make themselves known in a physical manner as much.
We can also study the state of the chakras by means of visualization. It takes a little practice and self-confidence, but we are able to instinctively “see” each chakra in a meditative state. Another way is to use a pendulum, and I will probably write about this frighteningly unscientific witcherly method in the future. 😉 And if you don't mind esotericism, you can also use appropriate reading cards - I used to love these ones (for both relevance and vibe). Recently, however, I am assuming that we can all learn to perceive energy on our own, and no external "aids" can replace that, and may even disable our intuition a bit if we learn to rely on them instead of ourselves. But of course, the choice is up to you! For my part, I could offer a script or a recording of a guided meditation on the subject of chakra examination, if anyone would be interested in something like that?
Chakras can be not only weakened but also overactive, which is often the result of overcompensating for other weakened chakras. Harmonizing chakras can be done through meditation, visualisation, intention/affirmation, yoga, crystals, sound, as well as colours in our food and environment. For a good start, I recommend that you pay attention to what colours reign in your lives and which ones do you feel you need more of? You may be surprised how much this translates into the state of your chakras! 🧐
In the next posts on this topic, I will present the 13 main chakras one by one and give tips on how to take care of each of them. In the meantime, I encourage you to watch yourself frequently and ask yourself "what is my body saying?" - because it says an awful lot!
3 komentarzy
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